
The inaugural Sit Down, Shutup and Watch Festival was held on Friday 31 October 2014 in Angaston in the Barossa Valley, South Australia. In 2024, the Committee will present their sixth festival! To learn more about the history and aspirations of Sit Down Shutup and Watch, have a look at the video below.


The Sit Down Shutup and Watch Committee is made up of learning disabled filmmakers and creators.


Our vision and mission.



To live in a world where learning disabled people achieve their creative dreams and screen their work in Times Square, on iPhones and on every screen in-between.



  • Form a community of like-minded learning disabled filmmakers and new media artists who can teach others

  • To have our voices heard and to be taken seriously

  • Get other learning disabled people to express themselves creatively through digital arts and technology

  • Encourage other learning disabled people in the wider Australian and global community to connect, making physical location far less significant for our social relationships

  • To become a force for social change


Meet the committee.

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Sara Egarr

Steering Committee Member and chair person

I like making films because it brings out the creative in me. I like writing films, I can get things out on paper and then communicate them to others. I have fun. I have made three short films: Games Night, Cookie Kidnap and Sara’s Film. I am currently making a film called Zombie Cowboy. I love getting behind the camera but more than anything I like directing, I like being in control.

I joined SDSW in early 2017. I am a female force on the committee and a presenter with the SDSW Roadshow. We need more women in the film industry and my voice is important. I am now studying for my Certificate 3 in Disability and with the support of Tutti Arts, I am training to be the assistant workshop leader for the Barossa Film Club.

Tyson Pienaar

Steering Committee Member and cinematographer

Born in Clare, South Australia, I am 27 years old and my name is Tyson or Ty. I am new to Sit Down, Shutup & Watch. My dream is to be an actor. My favourite movie is the Fast And Furious, I love thrillers or anything to do with action and cars. Becoming involved with Sit Down, Shutup & Watch has been a great experience, it’s a nice way to see what others do when it comes to making or directing a movie.

It’s important that people with learning disabilities make films. We all have the right to do something great, use our heads and come up with something that we did ourselves. SDSW promotes the idea that anyone can make a film, you don’t need loads of equipment or studio lighting and my motto is ‘if you live in a tent, use a flash light’.

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James Kurtze

Steering Committee Member and Award Winning Filmmaker

I started making films when I was still at school. I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Phillip Griffin and Pavlos Soteriou at Tutti Arts. Phillip and Pavlos helped me develop my filmmaking skills morphing my photos of my cat Dexter to create fantastical new media images.

I won my first award for Eye TV at the 2013 Oska Bright Film Festival. Since then I’ve won two more- SDSW 2014 and Picture This Canada 2015! I’m now working on Eye TV 2!

Kate Wauchope

Steering Committee Member and cinematographer

My name is Kate Wauchope but I go by Katie Rose. I am the newest and (so far) youngest member on the committee. I am a very creative person, especially with film, music like K-Pop), art and fictional storytelling. My favourite genre of film is fantasy, action, adventure such as Merlin, Lord of the Rings, NCIS: LA and Marvel Avengers among others... in short, Epics.

Although I do not know everything about film making, I look forward to learning more and sharing what I already know with others who wish to gain the skills to make their own films. Yeah!

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Matthew Wauchope

Steering Committee Member, Workshop Facilitator, and film maker

I have been interested in films and film making since I was very, very young – before I started primary school. I have always wanted to be involved in story telling and making films; I love the process and the creativity involved.

My favourite shows are Dr Who, Monty Python, Shanghai Knights, Arrow and Avengers.

New technology makes it possible for anyone to be involved. I want to encourage lots of people to get involved because is it a great way of being creative.

Sit Down Shutup and Watch is supported by Tutti Arts and Arts South Australia.